Naperville Center for Advanced Implant & Aesthetic Dentistry

When Your Health and Happiness Matter Most

Learn More About Safe Dentistry in Naperville


Measures and Questions

Before you come to the office for your next appointment, someone from our team will ask health-related questions to gauge your current state of health and learn more about your risk of exposure to COVID-19. Once you arrive at the office, we’ll also take your temperature to check for fever. Rest assured, we’ll do everything we can to provide you with safe dentistry in Naperville.

Updated Sterilization and Disinfection Protocols

We’ve always maintained a meticulous, clean dental office, and we’ll never waver on something as important as your health and safety. Our dental operatories are continuously disinfected before and after every appointment.

We also have air filters in every room that help ionize the air and contain HEPA filters. We utilize a high suction external vacuum to collect air particles from drilling procedures. All instruments are ultrasonically cleaned, scrubbed, and disinfected after every procedure. They are then wrapped in a sterile drape and autoclaved with sterilization indicators to ensure complete sterility and cleanliness.

Working Hard to Keep
You and Your Family Safe

Please note that any changes or new ways of doing things are based on the stringent guidelines set up by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Dental Association, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In order to continuously provide you with safe dentistry in Naperville, our team follows a protocol of wearing N95 masks, gloves, surgical gowns, and face shields. Our doctor has a personal air mask with dedicated air filtration. We’ve streamlined all of the new procedures in place so that you don’t have a longer wait time for your appointment to begin.

it’s time to Take back
control of your dental health.